Digital detox: how to get back your free time!
You reach for your smartphone just to check the time – and before you know it, you’ve been scrolling on Instagram for 20 minutes, answered three WhatsApp messages and maybe even briefly opened TikTok. Sound like you? Welcome to the digital rabbit hole! More and more people are finding that they feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to be connected to the digital world. A digital detox is like taking a breath of fresh air and is good for the soul. But what does that even mean? What are the benefits of a ‘smartphone detox’, and how do you manage to take a breather without your phone constantly needing your attention?
November 27, 2024 • 6 min reading time

Experience a digital detox: A break from the screen with a book, coffee and relaxation in a café.
Let’s get things straight: doing a digital detox doesn’t mean throwing your phone in the lake and moving to a cabin in the woods where there’s no signal.
It’s more about being more aware of your digital consumption and taking regular breaks. A digital detox can help you to take a step back from constant social media notifications, emails and text messages, and avoid the endless flood of information for a short period of time.
The idea behind it is to focus more on ‘real life’ again – on real people, real conversations and real experiences. You might even learn something new or get things done that you’ve been putting off for ages.
A digital detox can be done for a few hours or even several days – you decide for yourself how far you want to go. Perhaps it’s time for you to clear your head again, without your mobile phone constantly distracting you?
Are you familiar with when, after an hour of scrolling on social media, nothing’s exciting anymore? Or that slight feeling of unease when you realise that you have already spent more time online than planned? These are precisely the reasons why a digital detox is a great idea.
Constantly having the digital world at our fingertips increases the pressure to always be online and keep up with everything. The term FOMO (fear of missing out) is no coincidence on the internet, a place where the fear of missing something is often greater than ever. The problem is that you end up constantly comparing yourself to other people, which can negatively impact your self-esteem, leaving you stressed and exhausted.
A digital detox helps you to break out of this endless loop. You’ll gain more clarity, be able to concentrate better, and learn to appreciate life beyond likes and followers again. Your self-confidence and the way you view yourself may also develop in a positive direction.
You’re probably wondering: ‘What exactly do I do during a digital detox?’ The answer is simple: you consciously reduce your use of digital devices. You don’t have to boycott the internet entirely from the start – even small steps can make a big difference.
If you’re in need of ideas, here are a few simple but effective things you can try to reduce your time spent in the digital world:
Put your smartphone away while eating: it sounds simple, but it has a huge impact. Without a mobile phone, you’ll be able to focus much more on the conversation with the person you’re talking to and on your food. This allows you to really savour the taste again – it’s wonderful!
Go without social media one day a week: how about taking a break from Instagram, TikTok and the like every Sunday? You’ll be surprised how much freer your head feels, and you’ll be able to spend time on the hobbies you’ve been neglecting for a while.
Keep your bedroom a media-free zone: from now on, leave your mobile phone outside the room in the evening. This will help you sleep better and start the day relaxed, without staring at a screen first thing in the morning. Just don’t forget to set a separate alarm clock so you don’t oversleep.
As you can see, a smartphone detox doesn’t have to be complicated. You decide how far you want to go and, of course, you can also set yourself challenges to put yourself to the test. A whole day without a smartphone – think you can you do it?
Now to the big question: how long is a digital detox actually supposed to last? The good news is that there are no set rules. You can go offline for a few hours, a day or even a whole week. The trick is to find something that works with your lifestyle and that you feel comfortable with.
If you need your mobile phone or laptop for work, you should of course postpone your digital detox until after work, or make a conscious effort to allow yourself some media-free time while on holiday. Deleting social media and other apps from your work devices can also help you to focus better and clear your head.
Some people also swear by ‘internet detox weekends’, where they deliberately turn off their mobile phone and take a complete digital break. Others take a tech timeout in the evening after work. Find out what works best for you and does you good – even small rituals and breaks in your daily routine can work wonders.
Have you already tried putting your phone aside for a while, but the urge to check social media and other apps was just too strong? Or do you think you’ll get bored without your phone? Don’t worry, a digital detox doesn’t have to be boring – on the contrary!
There are countless ways to make good use of your time and really relax without your mobile phone. Here are a few alternative ideas:
Get outside: a walk in the park or a hike will help you clear your head. You’ll be able to enjoy wonderful conversations if you go with someone else, or you’ll have the opportunity to focus on nature if you go alone.
Get creative: painting, crafts, writing a diary, or redesigning and decorating your home will awaken your creativity and help to distract you. Think about what you enjoyed doing most when you were a child.
Exercise: whether it’s yoga, running, cycling or team sports – exercise is good for your body and mind. Maybe it’s even time to try out a new sport?
See friends and family: use your digital break to spend more time with your loved ones. You can also prepare a delicious dinner or bake a cake for a coffee date.
Read: immerse yourself in a good book instead of social media. When you read, the time often flies by without your straining your head and eyes.
Cook or bake something: try out new recipes and enjoy some peace and quiet in the kitchen.
Learn something new: try out new hobbies that have always appealed to you. How about playing the guitar, knitting or pottery, for example? Courses are also a great opportunity to discover new activities and get to know new people.
Meditate and relax: find calm in guided meditations or treat yourself to a relaxing bath with fragrant bath products.
In a nutshell: use your detox time to refocus on the simple offline pleasures in life and discover new activities for yourself.
A digital detox has many benefits – and you’ll already begin to notice some of them after a short time. Here are a few ways in which an internet detox can have a positive effect on your life:
More time for yourself
Improved ability to concentrate
Less stress and pressure
Stronger relationships
Less comparison with others
Even if all of this sounds great, not everything is immediately sunshine and roses with a digital detox. Many people find it difficult to cope without their smartphone or laptop at first. Especially in a world where so much is done digitally, going without your devices can be tough at the beginning. The thought of missing out on something important may also nag at you initially.
But that’s precisely the point: a digital detox helps you to overcome these fears and find a healthy balance between the digital and the real world again. Even if it can be difficult to switch off your phone at first, you’ll realise over time how liberating it is.
A digital detox is your chance to regain control of your digital and real life. Small steps can make a big difference: whether it’s putting your phone away while you eat or having a media-free evening, you decide what works for you, when to take a digital break and how long it should be.
You’ll quickly notice how good it feels to be offline – and it probably won’t be long before you want to take much longer and more regular digital breaks. Your life will become more conscious, more relaxed and a bit more ‘real’ again. Try it out for yourself and enjoy your digital timeout!
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