‘The love just keeps on growing.’
Last year, blogger Scarlett Steiner became mother to little Elma. Since then, life has changed a lot for the well-known Zurich-based food and interior design blogger. The creator of the ‘Fork & Flower’ blog has seen her world turned upside down by her new little bundle of energy. In our interview with Scarlett Steiner, she tells us how being a mum has changed her day-to-day life and why ‘basics’ is the magic word for every mother.
May 18, 2018 • 7 min reading time

Photos: Isabelle Kade @miniundstil (IG Handle)
You’ve been a mum for more than a year now. What are the biggest changes you’ve experienced?
Oh, being a mum! The changes have been pretty radical, to be honest. Suddenly there’s this little person you’re responsible for and who wants every second of your attention, day or night. You can’t even go for a wee on your own any more (true story). And sometimes you really feel like you’ve reached your limit and you’re almost losing your mind. And you never stop worrying. Whether you’re doing everything right, whether your little one is ok. And you keep finding yourself Googling whether things are ‘normal’ for babies. In the early days there’s hardly any ‘me time’ any more. And at the same time you’re more in love than you’ve ever been in your life. The love just keeps on growing. You feel things you’ve never felt before. Yes, this little person is very demanding, especially when you’re a new mum. But it gets better... Elma is 16 months old now and she’s already getting a little more independent! For example, she’ll happily play on her own for a few minutes – so I can occasionally go for a wee in peace, haha.
What’s your advice for mothers-to-be?
To enjoy being a mum right from the get-go. With all the ups and downs, all the chaos and the raw, heart-tugging joy. Being a mum is a gift. And if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment, that’s just a phase and it’ll pass!
And my own personal mum mantra is: make it a good day from your child’s point of view. And above all...stay chilled! What do wet trousers, dirty floors, chaos in the kid's room (and everywhere else in the house) matter, compared with smiling eyes, a sticky hug and the sound of your child’s laughter? Embrace the chaos! What I keep telling myself is: #thedaysarelongbuttheyearsareshort.
You and a friend got together to create the brand ‘Elma & Polina’, named after your daughters. You design and sell beautiful changing bags and accessories. How did you come up with the idea?
‘Elma & Polina’ was a spontaneous thing. My partner Mia and I both became mothers at around the same time and that gave us the opportunity to day-dream together. We were inspired by everyday life as a mother: as a mum you are constantly lugging a huge amount of stuff around with you. Our Giant Vichy Tote bag provides plenty of room for everything – and the bag itself is as light as a feather. And because it’s padded and soft, it can even double as a makeshift cushion.
What materials do you use for your bags?
We use a 100% cotton fabric that we paint ourselves. We lovingly hand paint each bag. That’s what makes them so unique.
Has your attitude towards materials in general changed since having a baby? Do you think about it more because a baby’s skin is so delicate and sensitive?
It’s something I’ve always been concerned about, but yes, now I find myself using the CodeCheck app even more now to check what’s in various soaps, creams, remedies or food. The upshot is that I use a lot fewer of them these days – hardly any make up and even fewer care products. I find myself reaching more and more often for that all-rounder, coconut oil. And with clothes too, I’m always checking what they’re made of: I prefer Elma to wear natural materials such as wool or cotton. I’m sure it makes a big difference to how good she feels 'in her own skin'.
A lot of people nowadays have a baby shower when they’re expecting. What are your top party tips?
Yesss! It’s such a lovely idea! I’m one of those people who believes in celebrating everything in life (I’ve got a favourite hashtag for that too – #celebrateeverything). A good friend of mine threw a baby shower for me. All my closest female friends got together to organise afternoon tea for me: one of them brought a cake, someone else brought the sweets and one of the others brought the drinks. For me, the simpler the better. Close friends spending time together (it’ll be a while before it happens again), something to eat and drink. You don’t have to go overboard. And, of course, beautiful, carefully chosen gifts for the mother-to-be!
Despite the baby, you still always manage to look stylish when you’re out and about. What are your style tips for mothers?
Wow, stylish, hahaha! That’s always relative. Certainly not as 'styled' as before the baby. To be honest, nowadays I don’t have the time in the morning to think about what I’m going to wear or styling. What matters most is that it has to be practical. So I'm all about basics! A small selection of favourite items, always in easy reach so you can get dressed in a hurry without having to think about it. Oh yes, and trainers with everything.
With CALIDA loungewear you can look stylish at home, too. What do you like about your new styles?
I love my new Calida loungewear looks! They’re not only comfortable and practical (a magic word for mums) – they’re feminine and chic, too! Honestly, I’m getting rid of my leggings and tracksuit bottoms – they’ve been put to shame. The silky pink culottes are something I’d definitely wear to go out in, too. You can get away with that nowadays, can’t you? Pjs in public? As a mum I guess you develop a kind of bravado. You just get on with things and don’t have time to worry about what other people might think. It can be quite liberating, I have to say.
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