
Close-up of a neck and shoulder area, symbolising neck pain after sleeping.

Neck pain after sleeping: where it comes from & what helps against it

Our night's sleep should allow us to start the day full of energy. But for many people, the morning starts with an unpleasant surprise: a stiff neck, pulling pains or tension in the shoulder area are widespread and can affect the whole day. But where do they come from? And what can you do about neck pain after sleeping, both in the short and long term?

5 March 2025 • 4 min reading time

The words ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ engraved in the concrete - learn to love yourself and value yourself.

Learn to love yourself: five tips and beliefs for greater acceptance

Many people find it difficult to appreciate themselves and treat themselves kindly. It’s no surprise: if we are constantly confronted with expectations, comparisons and pressure to perform, we can quickly lose our love for ourselves. Find out what five tips you can use to learn to love yourself – and why this isn’t selfishness, but the key to a happier, more contented life.

12 February 2025 • 4 min reading time

Bright bedroom with beige, upholstered headboard, two bedside tables, golden lamps and white bed linen - symbolising dry air in the bedroom.

Dry air in the bedroom: improve the air quality in your home and enjoy more restful sleep

Do you often wake up in the morning with a dry throat, tight skin or irritated eyes – even though you don’t have a cold? In this case, it is very likely that the air in your bedroom is too dry. In the winter months in particular, when the heating is on and you rarely open the windows, the air in the room can quickly become dry. But don’t worry, this problem can be solved. You can improve the indoor air quality with just a few simple measures so you can relax again soon. Find out why the humidity in your bedroom is so low, how dry air affects your sleep and health, and what simple tricks you can use to increase humidity efficiently.

15 January 2025 • 5 min reading time

A man lies awake in bed with his eyes closed, answering the question: Why can't I sleep even though I'm tired?

I’m tired but I can’t sleep – why?

You’re lying in bed, dead tired, and want nothing more than to finally drift off – but it just isn’t happening. Many people are familiar with the situation. The minutes and hours go by as you toss and turn, wondering: ‘Why can’t I sleep even though I’m tired?’ Feeling tired but being unable to get to sleep is not only frustrating, but can even have a long-term negative impact on your health and well-being. We’ll help you figure out what could be causing you to have trouble falling asleep despite being tired, and explain what you can do to finally get to sleep easier and faster.

8 January 2025 • 8 min reading time

Woman in purple pyjamas lies relaxed on a white bed with her arms outstretched and her eyes closed.

What to do against constant oversleeping? 5 helpful tips

If you're always running to work at the last minute, you most likely have problems with time management in the morning. Oversleeping is often the cause of this - for example, because the alarm clock has not been heard or the snooze button has been pressed a few too many times. Constant oversleeping is not only unpleasant, but can also have serious consequences in the long term, especially if you constantly miss important appointments. We have 5 tips for you to improve your sleep hygiene and your morning time management so that you can always get up on time.

11 December 2024 • 4 min reading time

Close-up of a young man in a blue shirt holding his hands in front of his face in the shape of a heart. Symbolises concentration and mindfulness, in keeping with the theme of mindfulness exercises.

20 mindfulness exercises and tips: how to live ‘in the moment’

You’re probably hearing it more and more often: ‘Be mindful of yourself, those around you and the environment. Live more in the moment and be grateful for the small things.’ But what does that actually mean? If you’re wondering what mindfulness is, it can be described as the ability to be fully present and engaged in whatever you’re doing at the moment, without evaluating it. Practising regular mindfulness exercises can help us to learn how to let go of stressful thoughts and focus our attention entirely on the here and now. This improves our well-being and helps us to find our inner balance. You can easily incorporate the following 20 mindfulness exercises and tips into your daily routine to live a more conscious and relaxed life.

4 December 2024 • 8 min reading time

Digital detox in a café - a person with a book and coffee, without digital distractions.

Digital detox: how to get back your free time!

You reach for your smartphone just to check the time – and before you know it, you’ve been scrolling on Instagram for 20 minutes, answered three WhatsApp messages and maybe even briefly opened TikTok. Sound like you? Welcome to the digital rabbit hole! More and more people are finding that they feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to be connected to the digital world. A digital detox is like taking a breath of fresh air and is good for the soul. But what does that even mean? What are the benefits of a ‘smartphone detox’, and how do you manage to take a breather without your phone constantly needing your attention?

27 November 2024 • 6 min reading time

Four children in age-appropriate pyjamas looking happily into the camera symbolise children's need for sleep and the importance of comfortable nightwear for restful sleep

Your child’s sleep requirements: how much sleep do kids need?

Children’s sleep requirements play a critical role in their development and well-being. As a parent, it is therefore important to know how many hours of sleep your child needs to ensure that they are healthy and can get through the day feeling well-rested. In this article, we talk about how long children sleep on average at what age, how you can find the optimal sleep routine for your child and what you can do if they sleep too little or too much.

20 November 2024 • 5 min reading time

Person relaxes with a retro radio recorder and legs stretched out.

When the silence gets too loud: Does falling asleep with music promote sleep?

For many people, falling asleep in complete silence is a challenge. The head is still full of thoughts, and every little noise is suddenly perceived as very loud. This is where falling asleep with music can be a wonderful solution. The right sounds create a calming atmosphere and can make the transition to sleep easier. But does sleeping with music really improve the quality of sleep? And which sounds are the right ones?

31 October 2024 • 5 min reading time

The picture shows a smiling man with curly hair lying on his side on a white background and wearing a light blue T-shirt from CALIDA. He has his eyes closed, symbolising laughter in his sleep.

Laugh while sleeping: What laughter at night means

Have you ever woken up from a funny dream and found yourself laughing? To laugh while sleeping is a fascinating experience that many people have observed in themselves or in others. But what does it actually mean when you laugh or giggle out loud in your sleep? Or when your bed partner suddenly has a big grin on their face in their sleep? Is it a sign of good dreams? In this article, you will find out why people laugh in their sleep, what the causes can be and whether laughing at night should be a cause for concern.

23 October 2024 • 4 min reading time

Two people in pyjamas lying on the floor

Improve sleep quality: 10 tips to sleep better

Good sleep is crucial for health and well-being. This is particularly noticeable in people who have difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. They often feel exhausted during the day and are often less productive. Fortunately, there are a number of tips that can help you improve your sleep quality and sleep more restfully.

22 October 2024 • 5 min reading time

Cosy bedroom with dimly lit lamp

Sleeping with the light on? Why you better not turn on your night light!

Do you remember that during a certain phase of your childhood, you could only sleep with a sleeping light? Perhaps you have remembered that time because of sleep problems. And now you’re probably thinking that sleeping with the light on could still help you fall asleep and stay asleep today. Here, you find out why you shouldn’t try this experiment.

15 October 2024 • 3 min reading time